Having a professional and positive approach to maters and with so many estates to choose from North to South and West to East of the country and dealing always with the best ones, we are confident to guarantee a successful game shooting always within reason.
For non shooting visitors, we also offer tours to some of the best historic and scenic attractions the country has to offer, this way making your holiday in Scotland an unforgettable experience for everyone.
Read More on Scottish Attraction tours for non shooting visitors
Unlike most of our competitors, we offer Fully Guided shooting days/weeks on managed estates, to ensure that you make the most out of your trip with us.
We believe that Un-Guided or Semi-Guided tours are a waste of your precious time and money. We understand that overseas visitors invest a lot on their trip by means of time and money, therefore we do everything humanly possible to make sure you have a pleasurable and unforgettable experience.
Use the links on the left to read more about the types of shooting and hunting we are involved with.
What do you get for your money
We offer 24hr assistance, from the time of arrival to the time of departure, with any required lodging.
We have a tremendous hunting experience and know where to take you for an unforgettable experience.
Services Offered
- 24hr Assistance from the time of arrival to time of departure,
- Airport transfer (pickup from airport to the hotel; airports Edinburgh, Glasgow International and Glasgow Prestwick),
- Transfer from Hotel to shooting Grounds and during the shoot,
- Organising Accommodation (usually 3 star hotels, dinner bed&breakfast and packed lunch or as requested),
- Visitor's Shotgun/Rifle Permits (Gun Import Permit),
- Equipment (guns/rifles hire),
- Organising Shooting (ie shooting grounds, keepers, beaters, dog handlers, translators for foreign guests - Italian, Spanish, Romanian),
- Game dressing (optional),
- Cartridges (optional)
Your quote will include a fully detailed expense report.
Our Price Quotes include the following
- Shooting
- Transport (from hotel to shooting grounds, during the shoot and back to the hotel)
- Shooting equipment; ie. decoys, hides, shotguns, rifles etc
- Carcase if desired (except for deer)
Our Price Quotes usually
Do Not include the following
- gratuities
- cartridges
- drinks
- game dressing
- game transport to other countries
Safety First
Before each shoot in the morning, the party of guns gets a safety talk which explains safe gun handling. We expect all shooting party members to appreciate these guidelines and respect them.
Let us organise your next shooting trip to Scotland:

Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia offer the possibility to practice other kinds of hunting, among which: quails, turtledoves, wild boars, and roe/doe and bucks. For opportunities in these countries please consult the Next Trips page or contact us for more accurate information.
Romania is a country that offers great opportunities for Wild bore shooting (Nov), turtledoves (Aug) and quails (Aug-Sept-Oct) shooting over pointers.
Also good for Roe Deer.
Bulgaria is great for woodcock (Nov-Dec) and Doves (Aug).
Serbia is better for Doves (Aug), Quails (Aug-Sept) and Roe Deer (May-Oct).