TM Sporting Ltd - Tom Manganiello Hunting and Shooting in Scotland and the Balkans

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Walked Up Shooting or Hunting

Information about walked up (mixed shooting / rough shooting)
Walked Up Shooting in Scotland

Walked Up


Walked up Shooting or Hunting is done by a party of guns walking with beaters and dogs flashing game, Hares, Rabbits and Pigeons. Before the shooting begins, the keeper/person in charge will explain the formalities about safe gun handling. As this kind of shooting is done by walking in a straight line together with beaters and keepers, it is imperative that shooters make sure they stay in line, always point the gun forward and down and never swing the gun over the line of shooters/keepers.


In a typical Walked Up shooting day one can expect around 10-12 heads per gun. The success of the day depends on different factors;
  • the weather
  • if there is only wild game on the ground
  • the fitness and the shooting ability of the Guns


The ideal walked up party is between 4 to 6 guns.

What to Shoot

A Walked Up Game day in Scotland can include: Pheasants, Partridges, Ducks, Woodcock, Grouse.
A Walked up Rough day can include all of the above plus Rabbits, Hares, Pigeons.

Special notes

Shooters involved On a walked up day, are usually required to be fit enough to handle terrain of any kind.


Walked Up shooting begins at the beginning of October till end of January.


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